Viktória Sugár
Szent István University
Viktória Sugár Architect MSc has been working at the Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering since 2011. She participates in the education of building rehabilitation, history of architecture and building energetics, as well as taking part in various researches, and Scientific Students’ Association consultation. She works part time at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Energy Research, where she deals with city energetics questions.
She completed her Bachelor and Masters studies at the Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, and she is currently a PhD Candidate in the Mechanical Engineering PhD School of the same university.
Her research topic is the complex rehabilitation of the densely built urban fabric: the historical, downtown part of Budapest – and other cities of the region – consists of mainly turn of the 19th and 20th century building stock. The condition of these buildings is mainly run down, their rehabilitation in most cases have not happened yet. The stock however has high energy saving potential, which is why their rehabilitation would contribute not only to the sustainability of the downtowns, but to reach the prescribed energy and environment protection objectives.
Viktória Sugár regularly participates in workshops and conferences, and co-author of several English and Hungarian publications.